PicoWay Resolve Skin Treatment in South Bay Los Angeles | SPADE Skin Care

Picoway Resolve Skin Treatment

Picoway Resolve Procedure

Correct the Signs of Aging Without Downtime with the PicoWay® Resolve!

If you’re looking for a fast, easy, safe, and effective way to improve the appearance of the signs of aging and skin pigmentation, the PicoWay® Resolve might be the perfect treatment for you. This cutting-edge new laser can deliver impactful skin rejuvenation results without downtime or discomfort.

The PicoWay® Resolve is a state-of-the-art fractional laser treatment. This unique laser uses the shortest pulses of laser energy available on the market today to treat a wide variety of skin conditions and signs of aging with shorter downtime and fewer treatments than other laser procedures. It is the only laser available today that can be used to treat melasma.

Picoway Resolve Skin Treatment Benefits

Picoway Resolve Skin Treatment FAQ

The PicoWay® is a state-of-the-art fractional laser treatment. This unique laser uses the shortest pulses of laser energy available on the market today to treat a wide variety of skin conditions and signs of aging with shorter downtime and fewer treatments than other laser procedures. It is the only laser available today that can be used to treat melasma.

During a PicoWay® laser treatment, small bursts of powerful laser energy are directed at the target treatment area. Each burst delivers high peaks of laser energy deep into the skin, producing a photo-acoustic impact on the structures there. This stimulates the body’s healing response, but also effectively breaks up the pigmentation there that causes skin discoloration. Once broken up, these pigments are more easily absorbed by the body. Because this intense laser energy is delivered in rapid pulses to precise areas of the skin, treatment is effective while still leaving much of the surrounding healthy tissue unharmed.

Each of these treatments lasts about 20 minutes and involves little to no downtime. Most patients typically need to undergo a series of treatments, each spaced between 4+ weeks apart based on your skin reactions, to get beautiful, dramatic skin rejuvenation results.
Nearly any man or woman interested in improving the signs of aging and removing discolorations from their skin is a potential candidate for a PicoWay® laser Skin Rejuvenation treatment.
PicoWay works differently because it uses extremely targeted and extremely short laser pulses (measured in picoseconds, or trillionths of a second). These pulses can shatter unwanted pigment into much smaller particles than traditional lasers can. PicoWay laser also emits less heat energy than traditional lasers, so less energy transfers to the skin.

The number of PicoWay laser skin treatments you have depends on your needs and goals. We can treat some concerns in a single session, while others may require several visits. Clients generally tell us that PicoWay causes only minimal discomfort, and because it is more efficient than some other technologies, treatment can be over sooner. In the procedure:

1 – Your treatment provider applies the PicoWay laser light to the targeted area.

2 – Ultra-short pulses of light break up unwanted pigment. They also stimulate collagen production.

3 – The procedure lasts about 20 minutes. Immediately afterward, you can return to normal activities, which makes PicoWay laser skin treatment great for professionals who need work-day appointments.

1 – Apply cold compresses to soothe your skin. We may also recommend that you use a topical ointment.

2 – The treated area may stay red for a few hours. Avoid scrubbing or irritating the skin for a few days.

3 – You may notice darker spots peeling or falling off in the treatment site. This is a normal part of the process, but feel free to contact us with any questions.

4 – Some clients experience a temporary lightening or darkening of the skin, which should resolve to normal pigmentation color.

5 – After treatment, freckles, birthmarks, age spots, and other blemishes should be reduced or eliminated, and over time, fine lines and wrinkles should reduce in appearance.

PicoWay laser is used for Tattoo Removal, Resolve and Zoom based on the conditions that are being treated.

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