Hair Restoration Without Surgery in South Bay Los Angeles

Hair Restoration Without Surgery

Hair Restoration Without Surgery

Hair loss can have a significant impact on your appearance and emotional well-being, often leading to frustration, embarrassment, and a decline in self-confidence.

Our cutting-edge exosome treatment for hair restoration may be just what you need.

Cutting Edge Hair Loss Treatment

This Hair Restoration Without Surgery is one of the newest and most advanced hair loss solutions. Exosome has over 5 BILLION STEM CELL DERIVED LYOPHILIZED EXOSOMES potent GROWTH FACTORS, PEPTIDES, COENZYMES, MINERALS, AMINO ACIDS. and VITAMINS without including any genetic material as is the case with other stem cell therapies.

We understand that each patient is unique. That's why we provide a variety of oral, topical, and non- invasive treatments to create personalized plans that address the progressive effects of hair loss.

Exosome hair restoration without surgery can help achieve thicker, fuller hair in just one in-office treatment for both men and women.

The key benefits of Hair Restoration Without Surgery treatment include

Exosomes contain growth factors, cytokines, microRNA, and mRNA that promote hair growth by increasing hair density and shaft diameter, reactivating miniaturized hairs, and generating new hair growth. They also modulate cell communication to stimulate cell response for differentiation, development, and growth.

After Hair Restoration Without Surgery treatment, some patients may experience mild soreness that typically lasts up to a week, but most are able to resume their regular activities the day after the procedure.

The Hair Restoration Without Surgery procedure takes about 30 minutes. Our expert healthcare providers will numb your scalp with lidocaine for comfort, and perform multiple painless injections of an exosome solution to ensure the best outcome. A bandage will then be applied to protect your scalp and minimize swelling. Maintenance treatments every 12 to 18 months are recommended for maintaining healthy hair growth.

Compared to Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) treatments, Exosome therapy is safer and more reliable since it does not require drawing a patient’s blood or administering anesthesia to a patient’s treatment area. Exosomes also do not create inflammation, which reduces the risk of side effects. If you’re looking for a non-invasive and effective solution to your hair loss, Exosome therapy is the perfect option for you. In just a few months, you can achieve thicker and fuller hair with this cutting- edge technology.

You are encouraged to avoid strenuous exercise for 24-48 hours after the procedure to minimize the risk of swelling. However, you can shower and resume your regular hair care routine the morning after the procedure. You may also return to work on the same or following day.

Results of the hair restoration without surgery treatment can be noticeable within a month and are believed to last for up to 3 years, but it can vary depending on individual factors. However, our team works diligently to optimize results for each patient.

This innovative hair restoration without surgery treatment is registered with the FDA and manufactured under strict controls. Several preliminary studies have shown that it is safe to use and has promising results. Further studies are currently underway.

While there are currently no large direct studies demonstrating that exosomes or stem cells do not cause cancer, studies using stem cells to treat cancer have shown that stem cells suppress cancer cells. Therefore, it is assumed that they neither promote cancer cell growth nor cause the development of cancer cells.



Our Financing program

Approved applicants may receive up to
6 Months Interest FREE.