PicoWay vs. PicoSure | Laser Tattoo Removal at SPADE

PicoWay vs PicoSure

Picoway vs. Picosure

PicoWay vs. PicoSure: Your Guide to Choosing the Right Laser Tattoo Removal  

Choosing to remove a tattoo can lead to a significant change in how you feel and look. With the introduction of advanced picosecond lasers like PicoWay and PicoSure, what once seemed permanent can now be effectively removed. These advanced treatments offer new hope for those seeking to erase tattoos with minimal discomfort and downtime. Our guide breaks down the differences between PicoWay and PicoSure, helping you understand which option might be best for you as you consider removing your tattoo.


The Evolution of Tattoo Removal Techniques:

Tattoo removal has undergone a remarkable transformation. What started as invasive procedures has evolved into advanced, skin-friendly techniques. The breakthrough came with laser technology, significantly improving the removal process. However, the real game-changer has been the advent of picosecond lasers. These advanced lasers offer faster, more comfortable, and effective treatments. They stand out from older methods, like Q-Switch lasers, by providing quicker results with less discomfort and better overall outcomes, marking a new era in the field of tattoo removal.


PicoWay vs. PicoSure: Understanding Their Unique Technologies in Tattoo Removal

PicoWay and PicoSure lead the way in picosecond laser technology, each offering a distinct approach to tattoo removal.


Understanding Wavelengths in Laser Treatment:

Wavelengths play a crucial role in laser tattoo removal, influencing how deeply the laser penetrates, its effectiveness on various ink colors, and its suitability for different skin types.



    • Offers a range of wavelengths (532nm, 785nm, and 1064nm), targeting a diverse spectrum of tattoo pigments effectively on all skin types. These wavelengths are fine-tuned for maximum picosecond power, ensuring precise and impactful ink removal.


    • Starts with a 755nm wavelength, ideal for certain ink colors and skin tones. It can expand its capabilities to 532nm and 1064nm through additional handpieces. However, these adaptations may alter the laser’s power, affecting its overall performance in tattoo removal.


Pulse Duration: The Key to Laser Speed and Efficiency

Pulse duration, crucial in laser tattoo removal, is measured in picoseconds and determines how quickly the laser breaks down ink particles.



    • Boasts the fastest pulse durations in the industry (375ps for 532nm, 300ps for 785nm, and 450ps for 1064nm). This rapid speed allows PicoWay to efficiently and swiftly disintegrate tattoo ink.


    • Operates with a longer pulse duration of 750ps for its 755nm wavelength. This means PicoSure uses more photothermal energy, heating the ink to fragment it. While effective, this method might be less efficient for certain ink types and could lead to extended recovery periods.

Peak Power: Essential for Effective Tattoo Removal

Peak power, or the energy delivered in each laser pulse, plays a vital role in breaking down ink particles and clearing tattoos.



    • Excels with remarkable peak powers (0.53GW for 532nm, 0.33GW for 785nm, and 0.90GW for 1064nm). This high energy allows PicoWay to effectively shatter ink particles, ensuring thorough removal.


    • Offers a peak power of 0.36GW for its 755nm wavelength. Details for its adapted wavelengths are not specified, which could impact its overall efficacy in ink elimination.

Effectiveness in Treating Pigmentation and Hyperpigmentation: PicoWay vs. PicoSure

When it comes to treating skin conditions like pigmentation and hyperpigmentation, both PicoWay and PicoSure offer unique advantages.


    • Known for its versatility, PicoWay effectively treats various forms of pigmentation, including hyperpigmentation. Its range of wavelengths can be precisely targeted to address specific pigmentation issues, making it a preferred choice for treating complex pigmentation disorders.


    • PicoSure’s strength lies in its ability to target darker pigmentation effectively. Its specific wavelengths are especially beneficial for treating hyperpigmentation, as they can penetrate deeply and break down melanin clusters that cause dark spots.

Addressing Melasma with PicoWay and PicoSure

Melasma, characterized by dark patches on the skin, often poses a significant cosmetic concern. Both PicoWay and PicoSure lasers have shown efficacy in treating this condition:



    • Utilizes specialized wavelengths that can target the melanin causing melasma. Its precise application helps in reducing the appearance of these dark patches, making it an effective option for melasma treatment.


    • With its focus on photothermal energy, PicoSure can also address melasma. It works by breaking down the pigment without harming the surrounding tissue, providing a non-invasive solution for those struggling with this condition.

Color Removal Capabilities:

The ability to remove different ink colors is critical when choosing a laser for tattoo removal.



    • Notable for its ability to eliminate a wide spectrum of ink colors, ideal for tattoos with complex coloration.


    • Particularly effective at removing dark colors like black, dark blue, and brown, but may have limitations with red pigments.


Treatment Protocol: The Path to Ink-Free Skin

The journey to remove a tattoo is highly personalized, influenced by factors such as ink depth, age of the tattoo, and the body’s response to treatment.



    • Typically requires fewer sessions, with noticeable results appearing soon after treatment commences. Sessions are generally spaced six to eight weeks apart, giving the skin adequate time to heal and process the ink fragments.


    • Might need more sessions for complete removal. The time to see visible fading varies, and treatments are similarly spaced to ensure optimal skin recovery and effective ink absorption.

Managing Discomfort During Treatment:

Advancements in laser technology have significantly reduced the discomfort of tattoo removal.



    • Recognized for a comparatively gentler sensation during treatment, attributed to its quick pulse duration that minimizes skin exposure to the laser. A numbing agent is applied to the skin to further alleviate discomfort.


    • While some discomfort is expected, PicoSure treatments are generally bearable. A numbing cream applied before the session helps manage pain, often described as a rubber band snap against the skin.


SPADE Skin Care: Committed to Exceptional Tattoo Removal

Selecting the right clinic is as important as choosing the best laser technology for tattoo removal. SPADE Skin Care excels not only in providing advanced laser treatments but also in offering a comprehensive and compassionate approach to the tattoo removal process.

  • Certified Expertise: Our team is professionally trained, with Candela and Laser Safety Certifications, ensuring you’re in capable hands.
  • Qualified Skin Therapists: Beyond being laser technicians, we are skilled skin therapists who understand the nuances of skin and laser interactions, aiming for the best outcomes.
  • In-Depth Training: We emphasize extensive expert training, including practical experience, to guarantee the highest standard of care and proficiency in our treatments.
  • Personalized Treatments: Recognizing the uniqueness of each tattoo and skin type, we tailor our approach to maximize the effectiveness of your tattoo removal.
  • Ongoing Learning: Our dedication to excellence is reinforced by continuous training in the latest clinical and cosmetic laser technologies.
  • Holistic Client Care: We ensure a comprehensive care experience, from the initial consultation to post-treatment, prioritizing your comfort, safety, and education throughout the process.
  • Proven Success: Since 2011, we’ve helped over 25,000 clients achieve their skincare goals, backed by state-of-the-art technology and individualized care.
  • Transparent Pricing: We offer competitive pricing with a price match guarantee, reflecting our commitment to fairness and value.
  • Accessible Financing: Understanding financial considerations, we provide financing options to make our treatments more accessible, accommodating a range of budgets.


Concluding Thoughts and Your Next Steps:

Deciding to remove a tattoo is a major step, requiring thoughtful consideration of the available technology and the qualifications of the clinic. Armed with comprehensive knowledge about PicoWay and PicoSure lasers, you’re well-prepared to make an informed choice for your skin.

Interested in discovering the potential of laser tattoo removal?

Contact SPADE Skin Care at (310)316-1954, or schedule your complimentary initial consultation. Our dedicated team is ready to support you in your journey towards a clear, tattoo-free appearance, ensuring a transformative experience that matches your aspirations for your skin’s appearance.